Distance Education: engage your team remotely

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Distance Education: engage your team remotely

When we think about distance learning, the image of a computer or smartphone, connected to the internet, accessing it through applications or a browser comes to mind. Everything is very sophisticated and technological, however, we often don't remember or realize that the genesis of this type of learning is much older, when mail was used to receive study materials and deliver activities for evaluation, and later the radio to listen to the classes and monitor the progress of training.

Coming a little closer to the models we still use today, educational videos as the main form of distance learning date back to the 40s, when they were distributed by educational vendors or companies, to the minority that already had access to such technology. Subsequently, computers were the main sources of access to distance learning technologies, reaching what we know today, with widespread access to the internet, making life easier for students, instructors and institutions.

Nowadays we live with easy access to any content, anywhere, at any time, however it ends up being difficult to find exactly what you want in the vastness of the internet, demonstrating the importance of an EAD teaching system that compiles and systematizes information for anyone interested in learning. With the exponential advancement of technology in recent decades, the options and methods for distance learning are increasingly increasing. Next, we will talk a little about the importance of distance learning technologies and the main technologies used to modernize and accelerate teaching and learning.

The growing importance of distance learning

Companies, universities and schools are increasingly interested in the development of distance learning technologies. This happens because, in addition to technology being able to help accelerate learning, facilitate access and reduce costs, people's routines are increasingly busy and hectic, with work, social life, people increasingly interested in exercising to maintain their health. , therefore the possibility of placing a coach or instructor, with all their knowledge, in the palm of any employee, is the meaning of advancement and differentiation in relation to competitors.

Furthermore, technological innovation allows employees to be in control of their time, their learning process and even creates more autonomy. These factors are also combined with the possibility of consulting managers and trainers, answering questions through the software, contacting the institution, checking study materials and much more. It is already becoming clear that EAD has everything to grow even more.

To give an example, considering only higher education institutions, the number of students pursuing distance learning degrees already exceeds one million in Brazil. Thousands of courses are opened annually, adapting to the world's entry into the Digital Era.

Main technologies for EAD

Learning Management System (LMS) - What is Learning Management System (LMS)?

The LMS, or learning management system, works as an aggregator and manager of online courses, providing materials for study, support and contact with trainers and any other type of input necessary for the student or collaborator. In addition, it also provides management tools for the institution, making it possible to analyze employee attendance, evaluations, monitor the team of instructors, among many other options. It is still possible to customize for your specific course and create digital products directly within the platforms.

LMS systems still tend to offer divisions for different courses or stages, types of training, whether video, audio or text. Functionalities still include customized reports, friendly interfaces, the possibility of multiplatforms and online testing and issuing of certificates.

Chats and polls

Although distance learning, whether corporate or from educational institutions, places the leading role in the hands of employees, managers and trainers continue to have a crucial responsibility for the development of employees. Whether to point the way or give the necessary feedback, chats and surveys help in relationships between peers, being able to answer questions, deepen content or recommend other materials.

Video classes

They are often the most attractive and effective types of distance learning. As we can imagine, these are pre-recorded classes by instructors and made available in videos to course attendants through the teaching platform. These classes can also feature a mix of dynamics, with the trainer recording, related to slide shows, photos, graphics and various other materials. This type of audiovisual presentation is close to the face-to-face presentation and also allows the student to take the necessary time and repeat the lessons when necessary.

Depending on the teaching system used, there is the possibility of online access, or prior download and offline viewing. Some of the most used types of videos are interactive videos, where the student is able to make decisions during the class and discover in real time whether they comply with the content, presenting a high power of engagement and absorption, and behavioral videos, through simulations that can present a range of styles, from realistic to exaggerated, to prove situations and increase the understanding of the student or collaborator. It is still possible to combine videos with quizzes, games and polls.

Video conference

Similar to video classes, it can bring distance learning closer to the in-person experience. The difference is that this type takes place live, with the coach and collaborators online at the same time, with a time and date scheduled in advance. In this style of distance learning it is possible to resolve doubts in real time, however, it ends up being recommended for smaller classes, so that the dynamics do not get out of control.

Digital library

In addition to recorded classes, it is also important that the teams responsible for training provide a library in the course's virtual environment. The materials are recommended by the trainers, both mandatory and complementary to the videos themselves. This can lead to a deeper learning on the student's side, who in addition to listening, also reads the theory later, having guaranteed access 24 hours a day, every day.

online tests

Like all face-to-face courses, those taught remotely also require evaluation to check participants' performance. Online tests commonly take place at a scheduled time – although it is possible, depending on the course format, to do it differently, with the possibility of automatic or manual correction by the instructors.

Any company interested in running a course must keep up to date with the technological evolution of distance learning, so that its employees benefit in the best possible way and that the results for the company are the best. Be it corporate distance training or standard educational institutions, distance education can help to further improve your results from the short term.

We provide technology and innovation to our clients and thus seek to offer the best in corporate training. Invest in distance learning, talk to Take5 to find out more:

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