Engagement in corporate education programs: much more than you imagine 

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Engagement in corporate education programs

Much more than qualifying people and influencing the company's sustainable growth, good corporate education programs, that is, those that are well managed and seen as a continuous learning system in the company, have become a talent retention tool. But how to ensure that employees really get involved in training and engage with the content available so that corporate education programs fulfill their full role?

Effective strategies for engaging employees

If you think that getting employees engaged with the company's learning initiatives is enough to make a fuss at the launch and fill the office with colorful balloons, we need to tell you that it's not about that.

Of course, a relaxed, light environment that encourages positive interaction between employees contributes greatly to a good organizational climate. But that's not what really makes a difference when it comes to engaging employees when it comes to corporate learning.

Being engaged in corporate education means having people who are interested and open to learning, who enjoy and are dedicated to the training initiatives that are proposed, meet deadlines and obtain good results in assessments. 

Achieving this engagement is a process that requires focus and discipline. Therefore, the first question you, the manager of a corporate training program, what you should do is: 

What would really motivate my company's employees to get involved with the proposed content? What do they see as something of value that the corporate education program should help them achieve?

If you start there, excellent, you already understand what it’s about and you’re on a great path.

But we have been working with this for over 25 years and have put together some tips that can make your journey easier.

Employee engagement techniques

  • Get to know your collaborator. For training to become interesting, the content offered must have real value for those who will consume it, be relevant and bring new learning that will make a difference in practice. Do you want to escape “more of the same”? So get to know your collaborator: ask, listen, talk. And, preferably, do this in a structured way, through research techniques.
  • Use interesting formats. Open your mind, expand your knowledge of the training sector and learn about the different means and forms currently used. Suggestion: keep an eye on those formats that encourage interactions and make people feel like they are a real part of the training. Avoid boring models with huge texts and no possibility of interaction. Have you ever heard of gamification? It is a great resource to encourage engagement, as it brings playful elements from the world of games to learning, making it much more interesting. 
  • Offer support. This is basic, and for this very reason it can end up being neglected: offer constant support to the employee throughout the learning journey. Having a channel to answer questions or help with technical issues is essential so that employees do not abandon the training journey.
  • Encourage dialogue among participants. Design actions and offer tools that facilitate contact and spark interactions between employees so that they can express themselves and exchange experiences, creating a feeling of community. Follow us and believe in the power of the group: it is incredible how it influences the achievement of individual results.
  • Invest in a robust learning platform. Forget about unintuitive websites or complex platforms with a poor user experience. The success of corporate education and online training also largely depends on the means that will be offered to the employee and the management tools made available to those who are working behind the scenes of the program and need to monitor the results. 

You can't improve what you don't manage...

To monitor the results and understand whether your corporate education program is really arousing interest and promoting employee engagement, continuously manage its performance indicators.

We have an article that talks just about this, (https://www.take5.com.br/educacao-corporativa/nem-todo-kpi-funciona-descubra-os-indicadores-ideais-para-mensurar-treinamentos/), but here are some quick tips on which KPIs you should monitor to manage them well and ensure continuous improvement of the program:

  • Number of participants enrolled in training;
  • % of training abandonment;
  • % of training completion;
  • Average grade achieved in Quizzes and tests;
  • Average number of training completed per employee;

Knowledge and personalization: two keywords

In short, always remember: to engage, you need to know. So, we recommend that you dive into the data and get to know your employee: who they are, what motivates them, what they consider important to know, what they don't care about, what is useful for their daily life... Then, dive in also in the results and analyze them in an organized and frequent way (after all, worse than not having data, is having them and not doing anything with them, right?).

Take it a step further: look for personalized solutions that meet the way your company operates and its most specific needs. Whether it's time to decide the format of training for a group of employees or to choose a supplier, keep in mind that the more personalized the content, service and support, the greater the chances of people connecting and engaging. with your corporate learning program so that it actually retains talent and positively impacts the success of the business.

The group Take 5 offers complete solutions for corporate training: content production, LMS platform, Business Intelligence and engagement programs. Creativity, passion, empathy and customer focus are some of the differentiators that are present in all of our projects. Access https://www.take5.com.br/engajamento and learn more.

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