Investments in T&D: planning and measurement tips

4 minutes reading

The importance of investments in Training and Development (T&D) by companies is no longer discussed. This relevance becomes even more latent in a scenario of constant transformation dominated by new technologies such as the one currently taking place.

Therefore, the T&D area plays a fundamental role in achieving the company's objectives, as it is the area that will develop potential and prepare professionals to act in a coherent and efficient manner.

According to Human Resources Analyst Weldson Sant'Ana, developing good T&D planning in companies involves four steps: 1. Survey training and development needs; 2. Develop good planning; 3. Put the plan into practice and 4. Evaluate the results.

This last stage is one of the most important as it is what will provide support for the continuation of investments in a more appropriate manner. That's what we'll see next.


Measuring results to invest


Whatever the area of ​​the strategy, or the objective you intend to achieve, measuring results is an essential part. It is through this measurement that it will be possible to evaluate the strategies and paths that were adopted and develop the next steps using these results as a basis and direction. In T&D it would be no different.


As it is an area that deals directly with the human field, that is, essentially of a subjective nature, it may seem a little difficult and distant to be able to express these results in numbers, especially if face-to-face training is used, without a management system.

But currently there are several tools, mainly due to the use of new technologies, that facilitate this process. This is because measuring results is a step that cannot be missed, as through it it is possible to confirm the level of enjoyment/involvement with courses; adapt courses to the “level” of employees over time, forming learning paths; justify investments in new training; monitor the professional development of employees; encourage the application of knowledge in employees’ daily work, among other benefits.

But how can my company carry out this measurement?


Firstly, it is extremely important that the T&D team is results-oriented, that is, it must know and understand the company's direction and goals very well, as these are what will guide its strategies.

Once this issue is understood, the time has come to measure and evaluate the results, the team can use the following metrics:

  • Performance analysis: This metric compares the performance of employees before and after the courses that made up the T&D strategy.
  • Weather surveys: An important assessment that measures employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction in relation to points that impact the company's performance as a whole.
  • Turnover assessment: Using this metric will direct resources in the most correct way to avoid waste and mistaken investments.
  • Reaction evaluation: A good alternative for knowing and measuring employee perception regarding the strengths and weaknesses of online or in-person training.
  • Participant engagement: It is necessary to check the level of interest of employees in the training.

These are just some metrics that can be used and it is important to understand that they must be aligned with other tools and analyses, as they will not be able to provide all the answers in isolation.


How to invest and develop good planning in the T&D area? Discover 5 tips


But then, what is the best way to invest in T&D and choose services and suppliers efficiently? Here are 5 tips to help you:

  1. What should be taught and to whom? - It is important that the team asks itself these questions and achieves a good delineation of these issues so that the training sessions developed are efficient.
  2. How, where and who should teach? – The methodology, environment and facilitator have a significant influence on the learning process. So, look for a space that is related to the topic being worked on, that is comfortable and is familiar with the methodology and background of the person hired to carry out the training. This also applies if the training is online. Care must be the same.
  3. When should it be taught? - Look for an ideal date for the company and the employee.
  4. Keeping up with the latest trends – To think about themes, produce content and adapt it to instructional media (manuals, presentations, videos, infographics, e-learning) it is necessary for the T&D team to be constantly updated.
  5. Look for specialist companies – When you have the training topic well defined, hiring a company specialized in the topic will make all the difference.


By following these tips, the T&D team can find a universe of possibilities to carry out their strategies correctly, bringing good results to the company's goals and objectives.

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