Microlearning: 10 benefits for your corporate training

4 minutes reading

It is no longer a secret for anyone that the constant development of professionals' skills and competencies guarantees a competitive advantage for companies.

To get ahead of the competition, companies invest heavily in people, whether when hiring or retraining. On this last point, there is a problem to be solved: corporate training extensive.

Today, the knowledge absorbed by an employee must be applied almost instantly, but some training often lasts days or weeks until its completion. This means that a professional will remain idle, without producing effectively, during this period.

It is in this context that the microlearning: a dynamic and agile format capable of inserting more knowledge into your company, of short duration, focused on a single objective and learning application.

But what are the real benefits of offering shorter training for employees? In this post, we list 10 benefits of microlearning, so you can start considering it in your corporative education.

10 benefits of microlearning for your company

Having a reduced workload does not mean losing quality. Microlearning aims to insert very practical content into the routine of organizations, mainly in the form of videos and online courses, as employees participate at their own pace. Check out the benefits below:


As has already been said here, shorter training is important for quick application on a daily basis, in order to reap results in the short term. Another important point is that, by learning via microlearning, professionals and teams accumulate fewer tasks. Speed ​​up learning in your company and minimize the impacts of training, in terms of delivery delays.

Cost reduction

A smaller, more focused course generates less effort, as already mentioned, and also will reduce production costs, whether to outsource a service or in your company’s man-hour account. The fact that you leave employees less distant from their daily activities also benefits the issue of costs.

High impact on results

With all the benefits mentioned above, you, as HR manager, you will see the results of your efforts quickly and intensely. Thus, both those responsible for managing corporate education and the students will achieve mutual goals.

blended learning

The combination of face-to-face and online formats, blended learning, works very well with the support of microlearning. Improve skills and abilities mixing the two modes, so that they complement the content and deliver results in the short term.

Watch & Listen

The more objective nature of a course of this kind allows you to explore different forms of content. Take advantage of the full potential of Gadgets mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones, to offer knowledge through videos, games and podcasts, for example.

Production on demand

Precisely because it is compact, microlearning materials can be produced whenever you identify some gap de knowledge. Here, the advantage is mutual: the producer focuses on a single objective while the collaborator quickly absorbs the content and then applies it.


When talking about more robust courses, it is very difficult (and not even worth the effort) to create them for a small number of employees. Therefore, one of the main advantages of microlearning is the ability to create short and segment your audiences more specifically.

Fresh content

Anyone who works in corporate education knows how much work it takes to plan, produce and apply a complete trail of knowledge. There is so much effort that creating a new course often takes time, making the content obsolete. In this sense, the benefit of microlearning is that your employees will always be expecting something new and you will increase engagement of course.

Learning culture

Shorter courses allow not only a more agile application of the knowledge absorbed, but also the recurrence of follow-up. The suggestion here is to encourage, through microlearning, that employees set aside a small period of the day to progress through a course or even complete it.

Content independence

Offering a short-term online course independent of other content (such as long knowledge trails) allows you, in addition to less effort in production, to replace or update it quickly. This gives greater dynamism and accelerates the development of people as a whole.

Staff Take 5


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