Discover 6 signs that indicate that your company needs an LMS!

6 minutes reading


To ensure competitive potential and deal with the most current challenges, it is essential that companies keep up to date with the main technological trends.

This dynamic also applies when we talk about training processes. After all, with so much information circulating simultaneously, and access to different applications and devices, how can you pique your audience's interest, ensuring genuine engagement and content retention?

In this context, the LMS comes into play to help HR develop and apply more effective training with much more satisfactory results.

To keep you up to date with this technology, we have prepared this article to explain what LMS is, its advantages and application possibilities, as well as listing some reasons for your company to invest in this resource.

Continue reading to find out more!

What is LMS?

LMS is the acronym that represents the English term Learning Management System or, in Portuguese, Learning Management System. Here in Brazil, this technology is also called Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), and is an integral part of the routine of distance learning students.

Therefore, we can define the LMS as an online teaching platform that offers a wide range of resources and functionalities so that users can interact with different formats of educational content.

This way, it is possible to plan and manage various activities, such as:

  • Quick and assertive communication with all levels of the company;
  • Creation of teaching content;
  • Estructuring courses and training;
  • Csharing complementary texts, handouts, presentations, audios and videos;
  • Eassessment exercises and gamified actions;
  • Cregistration and registration for courses;
  • Amonitoring the performance of these users;
  • Forums and chats to exchange messages and answer questions;
  • Certifications and recognitions;
  • Live distance training through webinars and live sessions.

By choosing the platform best suited to the needs of their companies, managers and HR have a powerful tool at their disposal to train employees, developing strategic skills in a practical, modern and very efficient way.

Why is it important to invest in an LMS system?

Having highly qualified employees is a key strategy for any company that wants to grow in its segment, gaining customer loyalty and standing out from the competition.

In this aspect, training ensures that teams remain constantly updated, develop new skills and feel motivated, which also brings significant gains to the organizational climate.

With the use of LMS, this training process can become even more effective by providing an immersive educational experience and — why not? — more fun. As a result, it is possible to observe an increase in active participation and engagement rates, which only reinforces the growing importance of this technology in the business environment.

What are the benefits of an LMS for business?

With the implementation of an LMS system, employees and the organization win. And in this topic, we will present some advantages that will certainly convince you to adopt an EAD platform for your company's training processes.

1 - More flexibility to study and perform the proposed exercises

This is one of the great benefits provided by the distance learning modality. Since the content is all available on the platform, each employee can organize their study routine according to their availability of days and times — just pay attention to the due dates for assessment tasks.

Furthermore, if the LMS is developed with a responsive design, the user will be able to access it wherever they are, through different devices (computers, tablets and smartphones). Some resources can even be accessed offline, making it even easier and encouraging everyone’s participation.

2 - Excellent value for money

Carrying out training, no matter how simple it is, always represents an expense for the company. In addition to thinking about dates that do not compromise the company's schedule, it is necessary to evaluate issues such as the movement of speakers, the provision of coffee breaks and materials such as folders, pens and handouts, and, in some cases, the rental of equipment and a event space.

Using an EAD platform eliminates logistical concerns and various costs, allowing those responsible for training to fully focus on the quality of the content.

3 - Improvement in relationships with teams

When a company invests in the skills of its teams, they feel that their potential is recognized and, consequently, they present positive returns, increasing their levels of interest and active participation in activities.

And with the support of an LMS platform, it is possible to measure the real levels of involvement of each individual, in addition to evaluating the points that each employee needs to develop to engage in the organizational culture.

LMS - 5 valuable tips to implement successfully

6 signs that your company needs an LMS

After learning about these benefits, do you still have doubts that investing in LMS technologies is a good strategy for your business? So stay tuned, because in this topic we will present 6 signs that it is high time to take your company into the future!

1 - You feel that your training is not structured

During training processes, it is very common for employees to participate in one or more completely theoretical seminars or simply receive various materials, such as texts, videos and presentations, but do not receive follow-up on their studies or a performance evaluation.

This feeling of disorder is reflected in the teams and ends up causing the training sessions to not achieve the expected results.

2 - Your employees are not participating in training

Lack of adherence to courses, workshops and seminars is also a very common challenge in many companies and is caused by a series of factors, such as lack of monitoring, lack of infrastructure or lack of resources that arouse the interest of employees.

The result is a growing lack of engagement and, consequently, a drop in deliveries and results.

3 - You are unable to monitor training

The absence of tools and metrics to measure training performance means that managers are unaware of important issues, such as: the subjects that should be reinforced, the appropriate language for the content, or even the simplest doubts of their employees.

In the long term, this scenario ends up separating teams from their leaders, generating serious failures in processes and the feedback system.

4 - The costs are high and the results are few

As we have already pointed out in a previous topic, investing in traditional training can have very high costs for companies, in addition to requiring a very exhausting logistical effort.

Over time, and with the need to reduce expenses, training processes end up losing quality, failing to generate the expected returns.

5 - Your teams perform remote or field work

For companies that work directly with sales representatives, for example, bringing together all professionals to carry out training is a major logistical and financial challenge.

Without the help of efficient resources, this initiative ends up generating a combination of the losses we presented in the previous reasons.

6 - Training must follow the standards required by the segment

Sectors such as healthcare and industry have serious occupational safety regulations that must be followed for training to take place.

Although necessary, these standards end up making training processes difficult, harming both companies and workers.

Any of the situations presented above could be resolved with the most appropriate technologies in each case.

So after knowing what is LMS and how it can make a difference in training, how about investing in this tool for your business? Contact Us with us and discover our solutions for corporate education!



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