Why do online learning systems use recognition symbols?

4 minutes reading

Many corporations have been using online learning resources to motivate teams and keep them engaged. One of the techniques that has proven its efficiency is gamification, which consists of using games to attract people to the game. training corporate.

The most interesting thing about this methodology is the use of symbols of recognition, such as trophies, medals and emblems, which, according to experts, increase user engagement.

According to Juho Hamari, professor of Gamification at the University of Tempere (Finland), in his article “Do badges increase user activity? A field experiment on the effects of gamification”, the use of these symbols increases the likelihood of a user navigating a website more assertively.

See, in this article, why this happens and how to take advantage of this form of online learning to improve the performance of your employees.


Reasons to Offer Symbols of Recognition

Symbols such as emblems, trophies and unlocking achievements (which is one of the ways to “pass the level” in games) act as triggers for professional development. Understand why.

Achievements anchor expectations

Anchoring is when someone uses a high or low number as a reference, a goal to be achieved. High achievements indicate to the player an achievable level; Without this, he is unable to know what to expect and where to go.

Having goals increases confidence

By winning symbols and unlocking stages, the player becomes more confident and sets objectives to be achieved. He begins to believe in his ability to overcome challenges.

Achievements bring personal satisfaction

Completing goals leads to personal satisfaction, which makes the person more willing to move forward and seek challenges in real life that will make them obtain the same reward.

Setting goals generates commitment

When the player knows exactly what he must achieve to be rewarded (for example, finding 10 hidden objects or killing 100 monsters), he is committed to the result. It's much more tangible than simply playing without knowing where it will take you. In real life, he understands the importance of setting concrete goals.

Feedback facilitates psychological flow

When they provide feedback on the player's performance, games facilitate psychological flow, a mental state characterized by involvement in an activity that requires equal effort and capacity. Getting feedback on tasks, and positive ones at that, is motivating.

Achievements trigger social proof

Social proof is when someone attests to something. It is so powerful that it has been used in marketing as a way to convince people that something has quality and should be tried. When we see that everyone is completing an achievement system, we believe that it is possible and that everyone should do the same.

Achievements trigger motivating comparisons

When someone needs to know if their performance is satisfactory and they don't have feedback from superiors, they usually make comparisons between themselves and their colleagues. This type of situation sometimes makes people demand more of themselves. This is what happens when we see a ranking in the game. We always want to surpass it.

How to use gamification and recognition symbols

Many managers imagine that gamification is very complex, but in fact, it is a simple technique. All you need is a plan of the objectives to be achieved and how to achieve them, as well as good game developers.

Games can be developed for: creation (creativity is stimulated); starting point (from a problem, the player must look for solutions); simulation (requires decision-making about situations that could become real); research (the person must research something and record what they learned).

To apply this form of learning, the company must:

  • • create a competition, providing rewards for each achievement in the game;
  • • publicize results and efforts to value players/employees to their colleagues;
  • • encourage collaboration with pair or group games;
  • • insert playful elements into the dispute to make it more interesting;
  • • use the tech to make the experience more complex and fun.


As you have seen, rewards in gamification are fundamental to gaining engagement in the online learning system. This way, employees will feel more motivated and present better practical results, compared to traditional training systems.

Want to know more reasons for your company to invest in training? read our article on the subject and start now.


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