How to build an inclusive training program in the company?

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Inclusive training program

Inclusive training program

Diversity, equity and inclusion. It even seems like a slogan similar to historical movements, like the French Revolution, doesn't it? But the context here is different, it covers the corporate environment and the need to implement an inclusive training program. 

But why is this initiative important and what benefits does it bring to your business? How can we build a training process in this sense, developing a favorable environment for the exchange of knowledge and information? It is these questions that we will address in today's post.

By the end of this content, you will know:

  • What is diversity, equity and inclusion?
  • How to apply these concepts in training?
  • Is training necessary to talk about inclusion?
  • Why is it so important to promote inclusive training in the company?

Continue reading and find out how this type of training can help in the development of employees, when it comes to situations that require empathy, ethics and cultural awareness. Check it out! 

What is diversity, equity and inclusion?

The first step to developing training from this perspective is to understand what these concepts mean.

By diversity we mean a plurality of people with their own characteristics, identities and origins. This is why this word is commonly related to the idea of ​​representation.

In this sense, promoting diversity is the same as accepting, respecting and living with the differences and singularities of each person. In the corporate environment, this promotion is essential.

In many companies, there are already initiatives and groups that promote discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion, focusing on five subjects: gender, age group, ethnicity, people with disabilities (PWD) and sexual orientation.

Equity is related to respect for equal rights, while inclusion is the process aimed at promoting diversity in the same environment.

In the corporate context, inclusion occurs through a welcoming, respectful, fair space that offers everyone, regardless of characteristics, the same treatment and opportunities.


How to apply these concepts in training?

You realized that the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion are not as simple as they seem, right? They carry many stories, with all the mistakes and injustices ever committed by humanity. They also bring the responsibility to improve society and promote more justice in all segments.

After understanding the etymological and cultural meaning of these words, it's time to plan inclusive training. In addition to programmatic/theoretical content, it is essential to develop practical activities that encourage integration, diversity and inclusion.

The presentation of videos that demonstrate behaviors aligned with diversity and inclusion and how this greatly contributes to the understanding of these issues, this example is one of the most effective ways of conveying information.

It is also worth creating real situations to work on these issues. In this sense, to guarantee a professional and efficient process in the company, with online training, it is crucial to have the support of a specialized learning management system.

Is training necessary to talk about inclusion?

The answer is short, simple and objective: yes. As we have seen, the concepts surrounding the inclusion process, both in society and in the corporate environment, are complex and sensitive.

It is necessary to have qualified information and a correct teaching and learning method to address these topics. Unfortunately, due to lack of knowledge, many people still do not understand the need to talk about these subjects and reinforce prejudices.

Why is it important to promote inclusive training in the company?

According to a Global Diversity and Inclusion Survey carried out by PwC, 76% of respondents say that topics such as inclusion and diversity are a value or priority.

This is a demand that is already dominant in many sectors of society and has reached companies with great force. More and more employees, customers and investors are demanding that businesses act more forcefully in relation to these values. 

These are some of the reasons why it is so important to promote inclusive training. It is necessary to invest in people and there is no richer investment than education, especially when it comes to inclusion and diversity.

Speaking of investment, it is important to have resources to develop efficient and qualified training, investing in an efficient learning system. Also consider a corporate training plan efficient.

I'm glad you made it this far, if you want to check out other content visit our blog! To the next. 


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