How creative and personalized solutions can solve problems in corporate education

4 minutes reading
customized solutions


Investing in training and development is a way for companies to solve relationship problems, productivity and other issues that impact business. However, this is not always enough, as it is necessary to go further and invest in personalized corporate education for a more effective solution.

Many off-the-shelf courses and distance learning management systems fail to take care of the main thing, which is to encourage the team to overcome themselves and be creative in the face of the challenges that the company's daily routine imposes. 

A personalized LMS like the one from Take 5 It's a way of focusing on what matters instead of generalizing learning and this is an excellent way of working directly on company and corporate education problems.

Understand more about how personalized solutions can be what your company needs to grow and assert itself in the market!

Problem 1: unmotivated team

The team of employees no longer produces what it should. People do not feel motivated in the company and look for other opportunities in the competition. 

You need to change employees all the time and this generates extra personnel expenses. These are some common problems for many companies that do not value the commitment of their employees. 

Solution 1: invest in employees

When the company realizes that it needs to invest in employees, the situation tends to improve. And how it does this: creating training and development (T&D) programs that take into account each person's knowledge and talents and that contribute to their professional growth.

A personalized LMS fits perfectly into this task, as it is created according to the reality of the company and its employees. Each person is self-motivated by their performance within the course and can receive rewards throughout the process. 

Problem 2: Training is not effective

Let's say that you, people development manager, have already noticed that employees are unmotivated, that this is impacting the company's results and have already decided to invest in training. But at a certain point, you realize that it is not being effective.

In other words, the problem persists, as the courses are not being effective.

Solution 2: Personalized training

An effective T&D is one that starts from the problem to create creative solutions that resolve the issue not only in theory, but in practice. In other words, by investing in a personalized LMS, the company can create, together with the developer, situations that are real. 

Furthermore, there are several personalization tools that make courses awaken the desire to learn, such as gamification, which offers advancements and rewards, microlearning (short lessons that can be completed in a few minutes, freeing the employee for another activity), video -classes, which make the content more dynamic, among others. All of this increases team engagement in training.

How the Take 5 Could LMS be the solution?

The problems we report are just two examples of what your company may be going through right now. But there are a number of other issues that call for quick solutions.

Therefore, the Take 5 developed an LMS that offers a variety of possibilities for those who want to develop their team's full potential through effective training. See some of the advantages of this personalized corporate education:

  • Solutions adaptable to the client’s needs and budget;
  • Great value for money, as courses can be updated whenever necessary, avoiding having to create something from scratch;
  • Modern technological resources in line with trends in corporate education;
  • Presentation of training monitoring reports, which show how the team is engaging and performing;
  • Flexibility to meet future business needs;
  • Use of a responsive platform, which can be used on any electronic device.

For all these reasons, personalized training is recommended for all corporations that want to go further in the market and differentiate themselves from the competition. 

A Take 5 LMS meets this requirement and is the solution you are looking for to your company's problems. 

Contact us and find out how we can help you achieve the best results in corporate education with your team.



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