5 Corporate Learning Trends in 2017

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With the evolution of the job market, driven mainly by the internet and the introduction of new technologies, today there are positions and functions that did not exist a few years ago, such as social media analysts, digital marketing managers and many others that directly involve the use of of devices that are part of our daily lives.

The question that surrounds many companies is how to make corporate education and training keep up with this development and demand quickly and efficiently. Today we bring you a little of the panorama of current corporate education and 5 trends for 2017.

Current landscape of corporate learning

Many large and medium-sized companies are in the implementation phase or have already completely adopted some training tools and approaches, bringing benefits in the medium and long term. Before choosing a training approach, it is interesting to check what is already being used and what brings measurable returns. From what has already been applied currently, the main methodologies that add value and can still be very well used are:

Mobile Learning

The adaptation of learning to smartphones, tablets and mobile devices, through applications, has grown a lot in the last 5 years. The availability of training and teaching in multimedia has fitted well with the current routine and reduced costs for companies that see no problems in investing in this approach. Furthermore, mobile learning takes advantage of employees' free time, motivates them due to their flexibility and ensures the company's technological update.


The impact of gamification on corporate learning has already shown practical results and continues to be an extremely effective approach when well applied. Its high power of engagement and receptivity is what makes this approach one of the most explored by companies operating in sales and educational institutes. To learn more about gamification, visit our series of posts here.

Online and interactive videos

The use of videos to make learning more empathetic has been explored for some time and with the availability of immersive (or 360°) videos, the experience has become more engaging, making the viewer more confident and powerful as they have control over what will be consumed. In the corporate environment, this tool can be applied in a variety of ways, both to increase the feeling of reality in training and to make learning more immersive.

Social and Collaborative Learning

A Social Learning Theory or Social Learning comes from the 1970s and has been applied in companies for a long time. With the success of social networks and media, social learning has gained strength and the use of these platforms can help employees become self-directed, independent students, promote debates and teamwork.

2017 Trends

Online learning will increase

Today 70% of students rely on a search engine like Google to study and 50 to 60% use online courses to update themselves. The use of online platforms for learning will continue to rise and their flexibility is a great ally in the routine of young professionals such as millennials who currently make up more than half of the workforce in companies.

Using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality for learning

With recent gaming experiences using augmented reality to engage and make gameplay more real, there is a trend that it can be used for teaching and especially for corporate learning. Although its viability is still restricted, virtual reality can be adopted and well applied in training areas where there are dangers or insecurity for employees, such as health and safety areas, where VR can simulate situations similar to those found in the field.

Learning metrics will become increasingly important

Analyzing relevant data and learning outcomes is still a challenge for teaching developers as each area and department must define which metrics are important for employee and training progress. The focus in 2017 will be to decide which results are measurable and effective for the evolution of the work carried out.

Automation will boost interpersonal skills

Since the industrial revolution, automation of the workplace has been present in companies and this change is migrating to offices and areas such as health and well-being, but machines still cannot perform functions that require interpersonal skills, which are more abstract and poorly measurable skills such as critical thinking, creativity and leadership, therefore the training and development of these skills should be the focus of professionals from this year onwards.

Technical knowledge will continue to be required by companies

In addition to IT and software development, other skills will be valued and required in 2017, as seen in the image below:

Udemy Learning Index Report 2017
E-learning industry: e-Learning trends and predictions for 2017


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