EdTech 2021 trends: what it is and why you should learn about it

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EdTech Trends


A Education is one of the most discussed topics in any segment of society, its importance, role and what it means for the present and future of any person. However, more and more people are interested in training and we have less and less time and availability, so it is necessary to find a different way of passing on knowledge. EdTechs emerge in this context, being startups focused on the topic of education.

Especially in this fragile moment where we live, in the midst of a global pandemic that forces us to spend most of our days at home, a way of having access to quality content, absorbing the content and actually learning is essential for maintaining of development. EdTechs have developed disruptive proposals where you can access all of this from your computer or even your smartphone.

This topic already has a guaranteed role, even when Covid-19 is overcome, and is gaining more and more relevance as the results of the use of technology in distance learning has proven to be consistent and even better than in-person courses or training. Follow us and understand a little more about the EdTech market, its growth and trends for the next period.

EdTech Market

EdTech is the harmonious union between education and technology, allowing the provision of the former to be carried out, continued or even expanded, in a more accessible way for everyone and in a cheaper and more practical way.

The genesis of this model is, in fact, very old, when the most advanced form of distance learning, or EAD, was sending manuals and books to people's homes. After that, radio and television were still used, before reaching the internet, as is done today.

One of the sectors that has benefited most from EAD is corporate education, which understood the benefits of training its employees in a more appropriate and efficient way through the use of teaching platforms (or LMS, Learning Management System).

Reducing costs, increasing employee engagement and the performance of the company as a whole. This, added to the isolation of 2020 and 2021, boosted an already growing market, causing thousands of people to use this teaching method.

To give you an idea, according to ABStartups and CIEB, 48,11% of the entire EdTech market in Brazil is made up of young people in primary and secondary education. In higher education, it is 16,04% and in corporate education, 13,59%.

EdTech innovation and growth in Brazil

In Brazil, EdTech had a late growth when compared to other countries, but the terrible situation we are experiencing has brought an explosion in the sector's growth.

During the pandemic alone there was a 130% increase in demand for education applications and software. Across the country, there are already more than 700 companies working in this field, helping the rest of the population to gain training. This means an increase of 23% in the last two years, according to ABStartups and CIEB.

An important distinction is that not all EdTech works in the same way, some through platforms, others through tools and others through content production. It must be realized that the application of a corporate education tool or platform does not happen overnight.

It is important to follow the learning curve of how to apply (software or application, for example), curate content (offering the best materials to your employees) and even perform performance evaluations (through the creation of training indicators).

How to engage your employees

EdTech: Trends for 2021

The year 2021 is still in its first third, however, a lot already promises in the world of EdTechs. With the growing market expected to reach US$368 billion per year by 2025, according to experts, a lot is still to come. Below we will list the main trends for this year.

1 - Gamification

The use of games as a way to increase engagement is not new, however, its application tends to be used even more. Imagine giving a online sales training for your employees in a way that captures everyone's attention, increasing indicators across the entire sector?

2 - Personalization and adaptation

We know that not everyone learns at the same pace and does not have the same ease or difficulty in absorbing content. Teaching platforms allow adaptability tests to be carried out and each student to have a unique experience, so that they can learn in the best way and at the best speed for them;

3 - Learning Management System

The use of LMS is already considered one of the most important tools in EdTech, and it is necessary to mention it as it allows everything to be possible. The software allows complete customization, the offering of content in different formats, workshops, generates reports and even applies tests;

4 - Videos 

More and more people are increasing their consumption of videos for educational purposes. Statistics from the world's largest video sites show that learning has been people's focus;

5 - Hybrid teaching 

Just as we are currently indoors, doing our best to avoid contact and reduce the spread of the virus, this will change in the near future. Because of this, hybrid teaching, which mixes face-to-face and online stages, tends to gain a lot of space, as the benefits of distance education are proving to be enormous;

6 - Social networks

What was previously used only to pass time and talk to people has proven to play an important role in communication. This communication, both between students, instructors with students or even between boss and employees, is excellent for exchanging materials, doubts to be resolved, among other functions.

It has now been possible to understand what EdTech is and how important it is for our future, right? In this article we were able to discuss a little about the development of this education model in Brazil and its trends for the future.

Now, you and your company Will they fall behind the competition? Come to the Take5 and get to know our LMS platform, modern and robust.



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