Corporate TV: what it is, its importance and its advantages

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Corporate TV


Communication within a company is extremely important for the success of operations in any sector. There are several ways for this communication to be qualified, including Corporate TV, an environment where employees can receive important information, news and even their results.

The importance of Corporate TV has become increasingly clear in recent years, when more and more companies have been applying this strategy to inform their employees. Even training videos can be exposed through this channel, after all, 100% of Brazilian companies believe that the use of videos will grow in corporate education in the coming years.

This article will provide a more detailed overview of the importance of Corporate TV, how it works exactly, the role of employees, its advantages and the reasons why you should invest in this communication channel. Follow with us!

How it works and how Corporate TV is used in an organization

Corporate TV is a way to speed up and make communication within a company more transparent, so that instructions, training, internal marketing, number of managements and even goals to be achieved are quickly displayed on televisions spread across the company or even in a digital channel available to employees. Images, news and animations are shown to employees, in a generalized way or even segmented by sector or department.

The contents of this Corporate TV can be either simple, created in Power Point and using models, or specialized, created by a video producer or a sector with videographers. After creating the content, management is simple, scheduling order of appearance, time, among several other metrics, allowing you to apply the most appropriate strategy for your company.

Communication channel

As we mentioned at the beginning of the text, communication, both between employees and their superiors, and the exposure of information to employees is a very important issue within a company. It is normal, despite being inefficient, for companies to have difficulty passing information between management levels, taking a long time to get from a director to the relevant employee.

The importance of Corporate TV is precisely this, being a form of communication between the most diverse levels of the company. In this case, not only to pass on individual information, but also for entire sectors, given the capacity for segmentation and personalization. Management can be done in two ways, either through a television integrated into the company's servers – which allows for agility in the entry of new information – or by inserting a pre-programmed pen drive.

How to engage your employees

Advantages of Corporate TV

There are several advantages when implementing a Corporate TV system in your company, including:

Segmentation – By allowing each television or each group of TVs to receive different information, it is possible to pass the correct information to each nucleus. Anyone who works in sales can receive the product video, for example, to get used to its characteristics, while the financial sector has other information;

1 - Participation – It is possible to create an interesting dynamic among the employees themselves, as a kind of curation. Anyone who thinks they know interesting content to be disseminated, which benefits the company, can pass it on to the responsible sector to evaluate the publication;

2 - Efficiency – Communication through Corporate TV allows for more efficiency. This means that only relevant information will be passed on, avoiding operational tasks by an employee, given that content programming is done previously;

3 - Speed ​​– It is common in the business world for things to change quickly, whether due to an event or a new situation. With TV, it is possible to quickly transmit this information to the entire company;

4 - Reach and barriers – As we mentioned previously, information often goes through many stages before reaching the relevant employee or department on the subject. This creates barriers in communication and causes it to reach the final objective distorted, which is avoided by Corporate TV, making it reach more people, faster;

5 - Internal marketing – TV, with effects and visual components, graphics, videos and photos is the best way to attract employees' attention to what the company wants to convey to them;

6 - Frequency – Unlike a company announcement, which the employee will only see once in their email, Corporate TV will broadcast several times during the day, making it more likely that someone will see and notice the important information being distributed;

7 - Automation – Announcements, events, news, among various other materials that can be distributed through TV, are made automatically. In other words, after programming, there is no longer a need to worry about everyone having received the information.

The importance of Corporate TV

By adopting the Corporate TV strategy, your relationship with employees can improve dramatically. By having the impression that they are receiving information directly from management, employees feel more engaged. Furthermore, it can play an important role for some companies, such as a stock broker, it can carry market information, stock quotes, exchange rates, among many other things.

Why invest in a Corporate TV? 

So far we have talked about the advantages of having a Corporate TV in your company, however, should you really invest in one? The answer is yes. In addition to not causing waste of materials such as paper, allowing transparent management of the company, where employees can monitor the results being achieved, it is also possible to create or increase employee engagement and motivation through the company's culture and values, leaving them those exposed to it and creating bonds with them.

It has already been possible to understand the important role of Corporate TV in companies, right? We explain how it works, its importance and advantages and why invest in one.

This is another technological leap that you and your organization can take to bring more efficiency and engagement to your employees, which results in better results for the company.

Contact Take5 right now and see our solutions for Corporate TV!




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