5 Reasons for your company to start investing in visual communication

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Have you ever imagined a company without visual communication? No way to stand out among your competitors? And much less being able to communicate visually with your audience?

Impossible, right? Certainly, it would be an empty brand with no value for the company and consumers. Visual communication begins with the brand, characterized by the logo, the corporation and the point of sale (POS).

A study by SEBRAE-SP proves that investing in visual communication, modernizing and improving brand identity, allows companies to achieve an increase of 12% to 40% in sales and revenue, varying depending on the company's segment.

Points of sale enter this percentage with the power to encourage their consumers to become interested in their product. POS’s are of great importance in the purchasing decision, determining the impression that the public will have about your brand.

But what about the competitors? It's what we have most at points of sale! Your audience has a variety of options, making it a very competitive environment, and it is through visual communication that your company must stand out among its competitors.

To promote your image in the market, it is essential that your brand is present and visible in the eyes of your audience, creating a relationship with your consumer - and it is visual communication that will be able to help you in this stage.

Don't stop here! Continue reading, as we will show you what reasons your company should consider to invest in POS visual communication. Check out!

Visual communication VS point of sale

Related to the company's marketing, the POS is not only committed to displaying its products, it also has the responsibility of giving the brand's first impression and transmitting security to its customer.

Attracting your audience through the visual communication that the point of sale presents is the most direct way your company has to provide an experience, it creates a relationship and ensures that interest is in your products and your brand.

Around 70% of the consumer's purchasing decision takes place at points of sale, among the strategies that encourage this percentage, communication and how your company positions itself in that location, helps to make this decision assertive.

Transmitting organization and comfort to your audience is very important, because how can you find a certain product if it is not in the indicated location? Communication has the function of showing your products and their pricing clearly.

Furthermore, relating to your audience is great, but involving creativity in this strategy makes everything more dynamic and attractive, you bet!

5 Reasons to invest in visual communication at the POS

Among these reasons, we consider visual communication at points of sale to be of great importance. See the tips below and learn how to make this place more attractive to consumers:

1 – Arouses the consumer’s attention

Visual communication is the first step in “attracting” the consumer to the brand and, in many cases, reminding the customer that they need this product.

A study based on the customer's purchasing journey shows that consumers know which product they need, but 22% remember what they need to buy only at points of sale, which can vary depending on the product.

Therefore, it is important to draw consumer attention to the brand, attracting them to your product. The best way to instigate this curiosity is through images, whether with promotional products or launches. Making your brand present and visible with the help of visual communication.

2 - Reinforce the company's image

When visual communication is well worked on by the marketing team, the results will have great impacts on your company. At the POS, these impacts increase, as in addition to having direct contact with your customer, you can also provide experiences that reinforce the company's image.

By strengthening your brand, the point of sale can create this relationship with your consumer, attracting your audience with visual communication and being a gateway for other customers.

3 - Disclosure of new products

Publicizing the launch of new products is related to digital marketing and the same strategy presented in person to your audience. Visual communication has an influence on the presentation of the launch at the POS, not only publicizing but producing more results regarding the campaign.

4 – Create a relationship with your audience

Points of sale have a huge role in demonstrating your brand and being able to present your product, with weight and influence on sales conversions.

Your consumer's interest in the product can be classified according to the contact that the brand provides to them and, thus, offer the necessary support. For this to happen, it is important to invest in strategies for your brand’s POS.

This relationship can be intensified when the company has a qualified team to demonstrate the products, this directly influences increased sales and brand loyalty. 

5 - Provide the best experience for your consumer at the POS

Your company can have a team prepared and qualified to serve your audience, putting technology into the field. To assist your employees at points of sale, speed and efficiency are necessary. When training or providing information, they need to be prepared.

Therefore, your company must consider what trade marketing management will be like, which can, in addition to training, monitor, organize, develop reports and be able to measure results.

Thinking about it, the Take5 developed tools that have a system completely aimed at its employees in the field, focused on helping them through quick and effective training at the time of sale, offering their content to the entire team, a way of standardizing distribution.

Aiming to manage your team, our system presents the best of technology providing the control that the manager needs, being able to see the location of users, check hours worked, access control of visits and collection at points of sale, in addition to even seeing which routes taken and their mileage.

Invest in visual communication for your company's POS, thinking about the results that your team can provide for your company. Take5 can help you, contact us:

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