5 reasons to use interactive videos in your training

4 minutes reading

It's not new that videos have become a very important pillar for e-learning. The ease of access, engagement and involvement of employees has made recording training an effective practice for T&D professionals and staff.

However, the video format alone can bring a lot of passivity to those in front of the screen. Very long durations, for example, can demotivate the trainee.

That's when interactive videos appeared. Whether in a web series, tutorial or even a “selfie video”, giving the user a leading role in the direction of content makes this model an ace in the hole in people development.

A basic example of interaction is pausing to ask the employee a direct question. This way, you can involve them and focus their attention on the sensitive learning points that you need to highlight in your corporate education planning.

Imagine that, in a certain section of your online course, when applying a video, students must choose which path to follow. According to your question, they need to decide whether to follow video A or B. They can (and should) make decisions, leaving the learning experience personalized.

Therefore, in this article we will list five reasons to convince you to adopt video interaction as a different way of training. The central objective is to improve the skills and competencies of professionals and entire teams. Continue reading and find out!


      1. Increases engagement

Making students retain knowledge is a constant challenge in training & development, right? Corporate courses are often seen as boring and mandatory, preventing more involvement from employees.

The experience provided by interactive videos breaks this paradigm, since involvement with the content keeps everyone engaged, as it is not only a new format, but also places the trainee as the protagonist of the classes, deciding which path to follow on a trail, for example.


      2. Strengthens Storytelling

Despite engagement, there is the storytelling technique incorporated into interactive videos. Students are able to absorb content better and more quickly if transmitted within a narrative context. We've already talked here on the blog about the power of storytelling in T&D, and you can't ignore that in your videos.

The interactivity printed in the context of the story strongly involves the employee, whether in a script focused on everyday practice, a specific technique for developing skills and competencies, or even a success story, served as a basis for some application.


      3. Opens doors for gamification

On the blog, we have also discussed the numerous advantages and benefits of including trainees in the context of gamification, or Gamification. The interactivity of the videos naturally conveys an atmosphere of free will and, consequently, of gamifying choices.

You can include ways for people to receive scores, rewards and even certificates in the production of your interactive videos, depending on their choices and decisions during the video content. It's an interesting way to further engage your training within the company.


    4. Offers analytical power

To offer an interactive video, you will need a system to do so. In this case, there is nothing better than having an LMS (learning management system) platform. It is in a tool like this that you can control and analyze the monitoring of professionals and teams in relation to videos.

With an analytics system built into the LMS, you gain analytical power, both to evaluate the continuity of a course and to understand student performance. Through dashboards, spreadsheets and graphs, it is easier to make decisions that will optimize your day-to-day production of materials and the development of people.


      5. Accelerates knowledge

Nowadays, people are more than accustomed to consuming videos on their cell phones. Use this to your training. Mobile devices give the flexibility to follow courses wherever and whenever the person wants to do it.

This way, you speed up the entire knowledge trail and can measure results in the short term. In addition, of course, to strengthening the T&D area as a strategic part of the company.


Want to know more about it? Contact a specialist at Take 5!


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