Video Marketing: 18 statistics about the power of this tool to boost your business

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the power of video marketing


Video Marketing is exactly what the name suggests: a video that markets your company in an organic way. It is scientifically proven that we are more likely to pay attention to content when it is shown on video and that our brain retains information better when it is disseminated visually and orally.

Data from Wyzowl shows that 66% of consumers prefer to watch video content. Investing in video marketing is a step that better positions your company in the future, as with them you increase the relevance of your brand and continue to engage for much longer.

This type of strategy has a quick return and is very dynamic, as a one-minute video attracts many more people than a 500-word text. Social media users spend about 17 minutes watching video ads per month, according to ComScore. Want to know more about video marketing? Come with us and check it out! 

How to create a marketing video?

When we think about content that goes viral, we think about videos, right? So, if we want to promote the brand in an attractive way and retain customers, there is nothing more natural than using and abusing video marketing.

First you must establish the focus of the video: will it address the company, the brand's values ​​or a specific product/campaign? That said, you should think about the style the video should have, what tone will be used at that moment? Lively or inviting.

Your video can also report day-to-day life at the company, through a vlog that invites the consumer to live and experience their reality.

Video Marketing Success Statistics

There are several ways to create an inviting marketing video that fulfills its objective. With that, we here at Take 5 we can help you! But if you're still not convinced that your business should invest in video marketing, Check out 18 statistics below that prove your success!

1 - 73% is the number of Brazilians who in 2019 stated that they shared videos and third-party content on social networks with friends, according to the TIC Households 2019 survey;

2 - 75% of Instagram users claim that they have already purchased a product after watching an advertisement. With Brazil being 2nd in terms of use of Instagram, we have an idea of ​​the impact on our consumers;

3 - 90% of YouTube users stated that they discovered new brands and products after watching advertisements on the platform. Maybe you don't know, but YouTube is the social network most used by Brazilians;

4 - When your website has a video on the home page, it increases by 53% the chance of your brand appearing first on search engines;

5 - 80% of users rewatch a video they have already seen in the last 30 days;

6 - Posts with video attract 200% more links from other sites;

7- The number of clicks grows by 41% when the result of a search is a video;

8 - 2 to 3 times more emails are opened when they have video compared to traditional emails;

9 - 75% of executives stated that they preferred to watch videos about content versus reading about the same content, when asked in a survey prepared by FORBES;

10 - 90% of consumers believe that watching a video helps them when purchasing a product;

11 - 64% of website visitors are more likely to buy a product after watching a video on the same page;

12 - 45% is the number of executives who contacts the brand after watching an advertising video about it;

13 - 75% is the reduction rate the number of people who give up on email marketing after including videos in their emails, according to Eloqua;

14 - 92% of video consumers on mobile devices, that is, outside the computer, they share content with other people;

15 - 95% of viewers retain a message when it is delivered on video. When the same message is passed through text, the retention rate is only 10%;

16 - 88% longer is spent on a website that features videos, according to Forbes;

17 - Among interviewed store owners, the number of support or customer service calls reduced by 53% after publishing videos linked to products;

18 - 62% of consumers are more likely to have a negative opinion about a brand that published low-quality video content.

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Why invest in video marketing?

Now, after this data, do you still have doubts as to whether it is worth investing in video marketing for your company?

Number of sales

They increase the number of sales, because in addition to your customers spending more time on the website, they will have more confidence in purchasing your product.

Greater engagement

They also increase engagement and the number of users who frequent and access your page or website, since your brand is more likely to appear to a customer on search engines.

Add market value

Furthermore, they increase the value of your product and improve the perception of the quality of your brand and the service your company delivers, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?


Therefore, investing in quality content is investing in your brand and in the future of your company. It is therefore essential to count on a good company to help you create the best video marketing for your needs.

Get in contact us and speak to one of our experts, so we can think together about an impactful video marketing that will add even more value to your company and position your products in an attractive way in the market! Count on Take 5.


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