Will online videos take over the world?

3 minutes reading

The predominant presence of online videos in various media is now more than evident. Since the democratization of access to videos with the creation of YouTube in 2005, the growth of this format has reached the highest levels of viewing, searching and sharing every year.

In the last CES 2016 (Consumer Electronics Show), Robert Kyncl, responsible for YouTube's business area, presented some data on the consumption of online videos, in addition to raising important points about the importance of online videos and projections for the future.

According to a study carried out by Cisco, it is estimated that in 2018, approximately 69% of internet traffic will be spent on videos. The way these videos are consumed is also a crucial point for the growth of the platforms and how the content will be used.

Robert Kyncl also states that online videos will make up the overwhelming majority of internet consumption and traffic by 2020 and lists 4 main reasons:

Online videos are mobile

The adaptation of smartphones in recent years, increasingly larger and with features that allow the recording and consumption of videos with better quality, is a factor that has boosted the consumption of videos, in addition to promoting their practicality and availability. From 2012 to 2014, video consumption via mobile increased by 400% and the estimate is that 50% of video views were made via mobile in 2016;

Online videos allow for a more diverse experience (videos on demand)

With the increase in the availability of television programming and films via streaming, the experience of video consumption has become more adaptable to the consumer's daily life and consequently the growth of platforms and the production of content via video has become the most common practice. consumed and profitable;

The video is very important for the song

music consumption ranks second among the world's population's daily activities, and as a result, video is the best way for musicians, artists and producers to interact and promote the merchandising of their products;

Online videos can promote a much more immersive and interactive experience than TV

With the advancement of new audiovisual technologies, 360° videos and virtual reality will soon be part of everyday life and can provide a much more interactive and immersive experience, making video consumption and production one of the main focuses of content producers.

Furthermore, it is worth remembering that the cost of producing online videos is diluted over time, taking into account the availability that the content will have within digital platforms.

Dealing with specific markets, such as corporate education and distance learning (which has been gradually increasing - around 31% in 2015 according to data from the 2015/2016 EAD Census), the use of platforms that host or contain online videos has been a widely adopted model for learning in these markets.

Other advantages of online video

Retaining information from audiovisual sources requires less cognitive effort and makes the learning process more empathetic and immersive than reading documents or training manuals, therefore investing in materials in this format is also essential for training teams or for distance learning courses, where face-to-face interaction does not occur.

Today, the wide availability of devices that provide a great experience when consuming videos, the possibilities created with the use of applications and the ease with which video interacts and conveys an idea, are points that must be discussed and that lead us to believe that its use is not just a momentary expense, but an investment that can bring many benefits to those who produce and also greatly enrich the consumer's interaction with the content produced.

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