Product video in e-commerce: a great ally to seduce your consumer

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product video


In the pre-internet era, offline media called the shots: all companies chose advertising on TV and radio or ads in newspapers and magazines to promote their brands. But, with the emergence of computer networks, the consumer market was transformed. And it's very easy to understand why.

According to the matter of UN News, UN newspaper, “internet use continues to grow globally. At the moment, 4,1 billion people use the global network. The number of users corresponds to 53,6% of the world’s population.” In Brazil, the figures are no different: “the number of internet users in Brazil in 2019 reached 134 million, accounting for 74% of the population over 10 years of age”, according to an article by Valor Econômico.

With the majority of your consumer audience connected, companies determined to remain competitive migrated a large part of their advertising budget to the internet, which gave rise to a new market: video in e-commerce.

In this scenario, another very important factor came into play: to achieve the expected results, Your video needs to win over the consumer

That's what we're going to talk about here, Continue reading and find out how! 

Why use product video in e-commerce?

Our experience as consumers already makes clear the main reason why video is so successful in the digital environment: it is a quick and interactive way to connect everything that happens in the world, including what advertisers create to promote their brands and products.

Now, if we add the information that online video consumption in Brazil has increased by 165% in the last 5 years (as revealed by research commissioned by Google and conducted by Provokers), It is simple to understand that the images in the video seduce us much more than a thousand words.

Quite encouraging, isn't it? But once again it is necessary to reinforce: it is not enough to produce a video to attract consumers' attention and generate greater engagement. It is also necessary to know your target and develop the video content according to what interests you and even what displeases you.

Types of video in e-commerce

Now you might be wondering what type of video you should produce to connect with your consumers. To help you with this choice, we will talk about three widely used formats.

Tutorial videos

They have great strength, as they can be attractive and informative at the same time. They are a great way to explain your product, generate engagement and also encourage consumers to seek more information about your brand.

Want an example? Let's say you have a store specializing in frames. A good idea would be to create a video showing the appropriate frames according to the type of painting and how to combine them to make the walls of the house more beautiful.

Another essential point is the call to action (CTA), which should appear at the end. As the name suggests, it is this text that invites an action, which could be visiting your store, finding out more about the subject of the video or signing up to receive news.

Product videos

They are a great way to increase your conversion rate, because they have the power to impact the purchasing decision, by showing their consumers the benefits and advantages that the product offers.

Therefore, seriously consider choosing this type of video as a marketing strategy whenever you are launching a new product or if you have received news from your suppliers.

In addition to capturing attention, product videos have the potential to make consumers easily retain more information. After all, we're more likely to be engaged about the benefits of a new product when watching a video than if we were reading about it.

An example? Let's say your store received a new facial product. Instead of promoting it in a post talking about its fantastic properties, it will be much more effective to show them in a video that tells how the product works on the skin and why it is the most suitable for its consumers.

Videos with testimonials

They convey truth and bring the brand closer to those who watch them. They have great acceptance, in addition to giving credibility to the brand and make the public see the product through the eyes of those who consume it.

This dynamic brings many benefits and the main one is favorably influence the purchasing decision. But there are many others: video testimonials encourage the viewer to listen carefully to the reasons behind the product preference, establish an emotional relationship between the brand and the consumer, increase trust in what is being disclosed and increase the chances of converting the viewer into a loyal customer.

product video

Understand the benefits of product videos in e-commerce

Besides the number of people connecting, there are many other reasons to include product videos in your digital marketing strategy.

1 – Generate trust

They convey trust and credibility, and allow consumers to feel safer about purchasing, as they can see details of the product and even its handling with their own eyes.

2 - Enhance engagement

A well-made, creative product video generates comments and shares. It is no coincidence that this type of media It has the greatest potential to go viral on social media.

3 – Increase retention

Visitors tend to stay longer on websites with videos, the longer the customer stays on your store's website, the bigger the the chances of finding out not only about the product that took you there, but also about other products that you offer.

4 – Optimize your SEO strategy

Product video improves your SEO strategy (Search Engine Optimization or Search Engine Optimization), since The time spent by the consumer on the website helps a lot to rank your page better in search engines.

5 – They make the conversion rate grow

Explanatory or opinion videos from other consumers captivate the attention of those who watch them and help them to better understand how the product works and its advantages, which tends to positively influence the purchasing decision.

6 - Reduce exchange and return rates

It's one thing to read a description about the product, it's another very different thing to watch an explanatory video, which makes it possible to understand the product's dimensions and features much better, which reduces the chances of exchange or return and, what's even better, reduces the possibility of consumer being disappointed with your product and speaking badly about it on social media.

7 - Improve the cost-benefit ratio

Os video production costs are much lower than a TV movie. Already the probability of reaching the desired audience is much higher. If we also think that with a single video you can campaign on social networks, on portals and on your own product pages, you will have in your hands a low initial investment with a great return.

As you can see, product videos can make your brand a favorite among internet users, you just have to know how to take advantage of its benefits.

Interested in generating big sales with a relatively modest investment? Speak to one of the Take5 Filmes experts to help you.


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