Video classes – The 7 main benefits

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Learning retention is an essential issue for organizations that need to train and develop their employees. The competitive and constantly evolving environment that we find in the business world requires that professionals not only participate in courses and activities to expand their base of knowledge and skills, but mainly that they acquire lasting and relevant skills for the functions they perform.

Trainings that adopt video as an educational guidance tool transform the way corporate students learn by providing more immersive and engaging learning experiences, with didactic and dynamic approaches that increase student motivation and engagement and, as a consequence, positively impact levels of learning. knowledge retention.

Video is one of the most popular e-learning training tools - whether in a group training session or one-on-one learning, video classes offer a deeper learning experience for corporate learners and deliver a range of benefits to the organization such as one all.

Below we highlight the main advantages that video classes add to corporate training:

custom content

The ease with which video lessons can be produced offers companies the ability to take full control over their training processes, rather than trying to fit their needs into a generic model. This possibility allows managers to develop content and activities specially designed for their teams, providing much more effective and beneficial learning for their professionals. Corporate culture can also benefit from this ability to customize video classes: we can develop materials that enhance good practices, reinforce good behavior and develop workplace culture in a broader and more homogeneous way, being useful even in compliance processes.


A major differentiator for e-learning training is their ability to add interactions that motivate students' participation in the proposed activities, which enrich their learning experiences. LMS allow interactivity through various tools and functionalities, but there is no point in relying on these resources if the content does not promote this exchange – videos can be planned to become points of “call to action” that will make learning much more engaging and connected to the reality of your employees.

Different learning styles

Each corporate student has a background different: the same team can include older professionals or recent graduates, people with different levels of training and different life backgrounds, which result in different learning styles. There are 07 learning styles: visual, aural (auditory-musical), verbal (both in speech and writing), physical (kinesthetic), logical, social and solitary - video classes are extremely democratic: they can add different stimuli to meet the needs of each of these preferences, transforming learning into a customized experience, which increases the engagement of your students in relation to the training.


Video classes enable the construction of learning paths that allow us to present and master learning through structured steps, in small pieces that build on one another to form a complete picture of the knowledge that is offered to its professionals. Video is a great format to enrich your students' learning through knowledge pills, which help with engagement and are essential tools to accentuate the most important points of training, strengthen knowledge retention and reinforce the objectives of your project.

Didactic guidance

Video classes help to introduce and explain complex concepts that could hardly be understood if presented to students through long texts or presentations, for example. This didactic profile of the videos makes learning simpler and more intuitive, which increases students' motivation and also generates the confidence necessary for them to progress through training with autonomy, which is important for learning to occur continuously and lasting.

Cost reduction

Developing an e-learning course takes time and a generous budget, but using your LMS as a video teaching platform drastically reduces the costs involved in planning and structuring new training – in addition to being simpler to produce and deliver, videos offer the possibility of updating or complementing pre-existing content in a much simpler and faster way.

Mobility and accessibility

E-learning presupposes digital learning, but what we understand as “digital” has changed a lot over the years. Corporate students need to have guaranteed access to their training content, whether online or offline, so that they can enjoy all the benefits and content planned for their project. Mobile learning is one of the most important resources when creating e-learning content and video classes offer the ideal flexibility, mobility and accessibility to offer your students a lasting, shared and highly connected learning experience.

Video classes can be seen as a blank slate: video is democratic, allowing a wide variety of content to be structured and presented in formats as diverse as animations, interviews and lectures, for example. As new generations enter the job market, planning the content that will be offered to an audience that is increasingly connected and accustomed to the facilities that technology adds to our lives becomes more relevant – invest in video classes to enrich the experience of your employees. students and accelerate the results of your training!

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