Videos in e-learning: the definitive guide to making videos that really teach

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videos in e-learning

videos in e-learning

Making videos in e-learning is a great alternative to expanding the reach of learning in your company. If previously content was limited and restricted to those who were attending training in person, today it is possible for the material to reach an unlimited number of people and in a timeless way, that is, each person at their own time.

The problem is that, for those just starting out, the mission of making audiovisual content in this format seems to be an impossible and daunting mission. Therefore, we have prepared this guide to help you understand the steps in this process and the main tools needed.

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What is e-learning?

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the concept of e-learning. The term is a combination of two English words: electronic learning, which in free translation into Portuguese means electronic learning or teaching.

The suffix “e”, in electronic, has the same meaning as other well-known terms, such as e-mail, e-commerce, e-book, among others.

What do the terms e-video and v-learning mean?

Within e-learning, there are some categories that are important for you to know. This is the case with the terms e-video and v-learning. 

In the context of e-learning, the e-video is understood as part of the training and never the entire content — in this case, the complete course. In short, this format is considered a fraction of traditional e-learning, bringing together large amounts of information in a shorter period.

Therefore, e-video is a very interesting option for corporate education, in the case of companies that need to train their professionals more efficiently, but don't have much time.

The term v-learning refers to a course developed fundamentally based on video, being widely used in distance education and, partially, in face-to-face or hybrid teaching. This is the main methodology for e-learning today and has the advantage of offering the possibility of mixing videos with interaction, practical exercises, assessments and real cases.

This format can also be used for training in companies, as well as in lectures, webinars and others.

What are the benefits of videos in e-learning?

Videos in e-learning offer many benefits. The main one is the possibility of learning both inside and outside the work environment. In other words, it is possible to take classes and acquire knowledge at any time and place.

Another advantage is the possibility of keeping people learning for longer, with greater engagement and attention. But, to do this, it is necessary to prepare content and videos in the correct formats, using different resources to capture the audience.

Video training also helps people retain more information and have the autonomy to return to a point they didn't understand very well, as well as pause the content to take notes, for example.

Training - See how to create videos to add new skills

What types of e-learning videos are there?

The contemporary world is dynamic and highly accelerated. In this context, e-learning is an alternative that can be adapted to meet the needs of different people. That's why it has a wide variety of formats, such as:

  • Storytelling Videos, which create an emotional connection with students and help in the content assimilation process;
  • Interview format videos, which help to diversify e-learning and capture students’ attention. In this format, it is necessary to have an expert and an interviewer;
  • Videos combining voice and images, in which the person does not appear, but other visual elements that help reinforce the content;
  • animated videos, who convey information in a relaxed way, making the learning process more enjoyable and light.

How to create videos for e-learning?

Now that you understand the concepts involved in e-learning and some of its formats, it's time to see how you can create videos, right? We have prepared a kind of guide with tips to help you with this mission: 

- Produce short and objective videos, this makes it easier to hold the student's attention for longer and allow them to absorb a greater amount of information. Even if your content is very extensive, divide it into small chapters;

- Develop interactive videos, with questions, dialogues and empathy. Don't forget that those on the other side of the screen are human beings;

- If possible, provide a quick summary of all the content of the video at the beginning, presenting what will be covered, and a summary at the end, recapitulating the main points;

- Go straight to the point! No fuss and very long explanations. Remember that in case of doubts, your students are online (whether on their computer or smartphone) and can try to resolve their doubts on their own if necessary;

- Use video to teach through illustrations and examples;

- If necessary, seek professional help to ensure a quality image and sound standard. An image with small defects or a poorly captured sound can distract from the content, greatly damaging the desired end result, which is learning. 

- Use and abuse the creativity that audiovisual tools allow. Film from different angles to avoid tiring the audience and make the video more dynamic;

- You can also insert a transcript into the video and make it accessible to more people. It is an important inclusion initiative.

These are some tips for you to start recording today and include videos in your e-learning that really teach. Talk to one of our experts, we can help you! 


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