What to expect from an LMS

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09 essential features for excellent Learning Management System

Recent technological advances and the behavioral revolution sparked by the internet and mobile devices have led us to a world where people are increasingly active and digitally interactive, incessantly searching for new ways of interacting and expanding and acquiring knowledge.

This reality affects us in our personal and professional circles and it could not be different in the corporate world - every day we are faced with new demands, which imply new technologies, new skills, new competencies.

In this scenario, corporate training occupies a prominent place - companies must prepare for a universe in constant transformation and their teams need to be ready to face the challenges of an increasingly competitive and demanding market.

Learning Management Systems and the e-learning revolution

LMS were specially developed to face this growing demand for corporate training: a Learning Management System is a complete educational and administrative platform, inserted in a virtual environment that guarantees the dissemination of knowledge through online learning.

It is a great corporate tool, essential for the training and professional training process: the traditional classroom and occasional face-to-face courses still have their value, but it is through the LMS that we make it possible:

  • Bring together geographically dispersed students into a single online environment;
  • Bring together all training content and activities in a single space;
  • Ensure remote and on-demand access to all teaching materials, increasing knowledge retention;
  • Introduce learning, motivation and engagement as routine aspects of your professionals’ daily lives.

09 essential features for a successful LMS

Reports: Advanced resources for data analysis and measurement are essential to measure the success of each stage of corporate training. All LMS deliver basic but good reports Learning Management System offer the possibility of customizing metrics and reports according to the specific needs of the company and its students, with quick and easy access to vital information for directing your investments.

Content Management: This is a basic and fundamental feature for a successful LMS. Content management is not just about tracking training development - it also comprises essential authoring tools for structuring new activities and content, ensuring that your project is always up to date and running in line with the current challenges faced by your teams. .

Accessibility: Learning management systems must ensure students have unrestricted access to training content hosted on the online platform. This implies structuring a system that presents simple navigation and has a responsive design, which allows access to the LMS (and all its contents and activities, on and offline) through mobile devices.

Gamification: The existence of tools for gamified content is one of the main features of an LMS - a great way to encourage your audience to achieve their training goals. Gamification is a great way to accelerate learning and engage your students in solving problems in an innovative way, ensuring a relevant gain in attitudes and knowledge.

Systems integration: Every company has a multitude of software and systems, some focused on Sales and Marketing, others focused on Finance and HR, for example. In common, they all contain relevant information for your training, so the LMS must offer simple functionalities that allow it to be integrated with all other existing systems in the company. This way it is possible to ensure the effectiveness of training efforts and simpler and more direct management of all data generated by the project.

Blended Learning: Corporate training cannot disregard the company's future needs. Today the scenario may indicate that the best way is through e-learning courses, but what about in the future? Blended learning is a very important trend – the combination of digital and face-to-face practices and approaches strengthens learning and unites the best of both universes in favor of the objectives established for training. Check if the LMS offers tools for blended learning, bringing together face-to-face and online formats, content and interactions to enrich your students' experience and strengthen the development of new skills in a practical way.

Customization and flexibility: What we plan does not always turn out as expected - e-learning projects may require specific changes to content, structure and approach, or even require adjustments to objectives and strategies to adapt to the challenges and opportunities that arise during the course of the project. training execution. The LMS must be prepared to adapt to these changes and must also offer tools that facilitate and help in the restructuring process, ensuring that training is always in line with the company's future needs and/or growth.

Certifications: skills tracking and the delivery of certifications are two very interesting features for an LMS: monitoring is relevant for the company, as it allows a very close analysis of the performance recorded by its students (and helps to verify the effectiveness and assertiveness of its training ), while certifications are the crowning achievement of these efforts – a reward for the performance of its professionals, a sign of encouragement for them to move forward and a simple and very effective tool to ensure everyone's engagement throughout each stage of training.

Support: the LMS is a vital platform for the evolution of the company and its teams. The chosen supplier must offer several support channels, which cover the organization's administrative needs, as well as doubts and questions from its students.

The LMS must be robust, intelligent and versatile, meeting the learning expectations of your students and contributing to the strategic objectives of your business.

A good platform ensures the propagation of the company's culture in a virtual learning environment, but also respects the learner's pace. The synergy between the objectives of its professionals and corporate goals is vital to the success of your e-learning project - the LMS needs to provide a management experience that helps the company in building its results and must deliver personalized learning to students and flexible, which considers their needs and guides them throughout their career development.

Take5 Team


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