5 Essential actions to put into practice with your Trade Marketing team

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trade marketing actions


the actions of Trade Marketing they seek to optimize customer decision-making when coming into contact with a product. The positioning of the product on shelf X in the market is not by chance, there is a market study that indicates that space X is better than space Y.

Companies that position themselves in retail know that occupying the wrong location can result in the loss not only financially, but also of potential customers, in addition to those already loyal. 

There are 5 essential actions you need to put into practice with your Trade Marketing team if you want to stand out from your competitors.

Find out what you need to do to strengthen your brand and be the right choice for consumers. Continue reading to learn how to put these five actions into practice!

What is Trade Marketing?

The Marketing department has different areas of activity, for example, Trade Marketing is most often related to campaigns B2C - from company to consumer - with the objective of meeting the point of sale (POS) and the needs of consumers.

In general, the actions of trade marketing they seek to facilitate the distribution of goods, promote the sale of products, improve the consumer experience, brand repositioning and related actions. Among the most common actions are: promotions in the product mix, integrated sales channels, competitor analysis, new business opportunities and POS.

Trade Marketing and strategies to improve your company’s visibility

Over the last 10 years, online presence has become a reality for companies and users. Building a constant presence through Trade Marketing strategies improves the company's visibility and positively impacts the POS.

Consumers don't want to be just another customer, they want to be part of the process, offer ideas, participate in campaigns, recommend to friends and family. If you believe that this has nothing to do with Trade Marketing you are mistaken.

Campaigns that ask for public participation receive more engagement. Coca-Cola, one of the largest companies in the beverage sector, always invests in promotions and campaigns that highlight the importance of people. 

Proof of this was one of their campaigns where they made it available for people to send photos that were related to the brand and thus publish the best ones on their networks. Another action was a campaign that allowed consumers to interact, with votes on the new flavor of a certain drink.

None of these actions are performed randomly, they are strategies developed by the Trade team. Visibility is related to being noticed by consumers, suppliers, competitors and even other segments.

Why invest in Trade Marketing actions?

A survey carried out by Nielsen Media Research stated that 70% of purchasing decisions are made at the Point of Sale (POS), that is, most consumers make impulse purchases. Trade Marketing is responsible for the action command that encourages the individual to decide to buy, however, when the trade action is not done correctly, potential consumers move away from the product.

The trade department is essential for companies that want to boost sales, based on experiences that engage the product with the customer. As a result of trade marketing actions, the company will have: greater public engagement with the brand, sales growth, providing meaningful experiences for consumers, increased visibility when displaying the product and of course attracting new customers and retaining old ones.

The shopper seeks to invest in actions that solve audience problems. It may seem complicated at first, but it isn't.

How to measure Trade Marketing actions?

It is a common practice to measure the results obtained from a marketing action. It is not a vanity to know performance, but a necessity, so we can know which campaigns bring the best performance, or which need more investment, the risks, in addition to identifying what the weaknesses were in the past so as not to repeat the same error.

To measure results you can use the following metrics:

ROI - Investment Report: This metric is widely used to analyze the financial return of a campaign, product, service. ROI indicates whether the company made a profit from the investment or not, in simple terms, did the amount spent generate a return or a loss?

Conversion rate: Selling is not an easy task. With this in mind, we need to look at the conversion rate, that is, how many people came into contact with the product and completed the purchase. In general, trade marketing actions seek to increase the number of sales, as we have discussed so far, whether online or in person, Did sales go up from the shares? If the answer is no, you need to review your strategy.

Traffic Source: Measuring the demand for your product online is important, after all, the world is increasingly digital. Investing in tools that reveal the user's origin and provide a profile helps the marketing team to optimize internet campaigns. When we talk about the origin of traffic we have to consider:

  • Organic Search: natural access, which is carried out through keywords in search engines such as: Google, Bing, Yahoo;
  • Links: also called referral traffic, when a partner publication or website leads to your website;
  • paid traffic: access through sponsored campaigns on Google, social networks or even through partners;
  • Direct Traffic: when users type the website address into the browser, or enter via “favorite”, when we save the website among the most used.

5 Essential actions to put into practice with your Trade Marketing team

5 essential actions to put into practice in your company

The main objective in trade marketing actions is to increase the number of sales, however, prior to sales growth it is necessary to improve some factors so that the target is achieved, such as, for example, developing good communication with promoters, investing in relationships with suppliers, carry out training, be part of digital mobility and manage processes based on categories.

However, to guarantee growth you need to put into practice these five actions in your company that aim to strengthen the brand among consumers and the market:

1. Communication with promoters

There is no one better than promoters to identify opportunities in the field, because they are present in the day-to-day activities of the product and form the bridge between the product-company-POS.

The promoter needs to understand the approach to the customer, positioning, output and stock of products, in addition to identifying opportunities to increase sales and even competitor actions. To achieve this, it is important that the communication channel with promoters is direct and in real time.

2. Management by categories

In line with having a constant presence at the POS is category management. Customers need to find your product next to similar products or even in aisles where your product is correlated to the main one. For example, when we go to the beer aisle, we find peanuts. When we go to the oil aisle, we find popcorn. Visibility at Shopper can be achieved with eye-catching colors, interactive shelves and strategic ambiance to convert stimulus into sales.

3. Digital mobility

The use of trade marketing applications enables integrated action on all fronts of the business. It allows the analysis of metrics, monitoring product output in real time, monitoring, monitoring promoters, answering questions and much more.

Digital mobility helps the team implementing the actions to discover preferences, mark the best points, check-list of activities, create efficient itineraries from the cell phone for promoters who are on the move.

4. Training and process management

Managing processes is important at any stage, in trade marketing actions it is no different. Investing in process management platforms will help the company optimize employee time and create a more assertive and attractive point of sale for consumers.

Are you curious to know what the latest action is? Stay with us!

5. Relationship with suppliers

A solid relationship with suppliers demonstrates that your company is interested in people beyond business relationships, but remember that it is still a working relationship. Both will guarantee advantages for your business such as different deadlines, offers, preference in exhibition or partnerships for a certain product and even publicity and special actions.

The visibility provided by marketing strategies, especially in the actions of the trade marketing department, is essential for increase product visibility in the shopper. As we discussed, one of the essential actions is to invest in digital mobility and in solutions that facilitate the management of the area, the LMS platform is the tool that makes it possible to manage processes easily, in real time and from anywhere.

Imagine complete training with metrics to prove the effectiveness of the action, that's what the LMS solution from Take 5 he does! Do you want to know how to put trade marketing actions into practice in your company? Talk to one of our experts right now.


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