Why does offering interactive videos in corporate training improve engagement?

6 minutes reading
interactive training videos


Youtube is the largest video platform in the world, created in 2005, with an innovative proposal for the time. Today the company is responsible for 37% of worldwide video traffic on mobile devices. The network surpassed competitors and applications that invest in the resource in terms of traffic, such as: Instagram 5,7%, Facebook com 8,4% and even WhatsApp 3,7%.

There is no doubt that the future is multimedia and learning follows the same path. Videos have now gained a powerful ally, interactivity. A Netflix has already taken technology to entertainment, by enabling platform users to choose the actions in the film BlackMirror: Bandersnatch.

However, technology has already arrived in the area of ​​corporate education. Do you use interactive videos to improve your team's engagement and learning? Continue reading and discover more about the interactive videos in corporate training! 

After all, how do interactive videos work?

A traditional video does not allow the viewer to interact with the content they are watching, while in an interactive video the user actively participates through requested actions and commands. 

Basically, they enable the person watching to make decisions based on options based on questions or tasks.

It is no surprise that technology giants such as Google and Facebook have developed systems in which the viewer is active, for example we have 360º videos on platforms that bring dynamism, interactivity and learning, for:

  • Decode information for the viewer;
  • Expand understanding of what is being seen;
  • Have the user as a participant in the narrative;
  • Encourage decision making;
  • Develop relationships with the team;
  • Instigate collective thinking;

The following tools fall into the interactive videos category:

Quizzes: An excellent way to test knowledge already seen previously. The good old “questions and answers” allows employees to pay more attention to the content, as they know it will be tested;

Input Data: It is nothing more than fields such as: name, age, gender and others. The function allows content to be personalized from the beginning, which improves the viewer's experience and receptivity;

360th: You may have already used Google Earth, did you realize that with it you could see everything around you? 360º vision is widely used in games, awakening the player's senses;

Branch: It brings the possibility of choice to the user, that is, it requires decisions to be made and from them the consequences appear in the video sequence. Taking each participant on a different path.

hotspot: Clickable areas in the video to bring interactivity with the person on the other side that can take them to other videos, texts, figures and any additional material that is interesting to achieve the proposed objective.

There are no actions in a video that encourage professional learning or even entertainment. The benefits of this technology are already used in corporate training to improve performance, profitability, learning, customer loyalty, cost reduction and more.

What are the differences in corporate training and how can they help my team?

Now that you know how videos have become a rage in our daily lives and how promising they are for professional development, we'll talk about how they can help your company elevate corporate training using the tool.

Audiovisual easily retains our attention, which does not happen in the same way with other media. Among the main differences are:

Transmit the message in a simplified and intuitive way. In corporate training we need employees to participate actively, through videos the number of participants is greater due to the ease, after all, we are all in the habit of consuming video content on social media platforms. streaming.

Metrics. The numbers define which strategies are on the right track and which ones need improvement. With the videos we are able to monitor the user's step by step with the content, it is possible to observe whether the video was paused, accelerated, rewinded or even how many minutes in a row the audience remains immersed.

The latter helps the project organizer to understand whether it is possible to increase the draft or reduce it.

Brand Advertising. The innovation provided by the videos conveys the idea that the organization is not afraid to embrace new forms of teaching. Which arouses the interest of partners, partners, competitors and the consumer public. This topic transforms your brand vision for everyone.


How about trying interacting with an interactive video? They bring authenticity, content personalization, and credibility to the information you are sharing with your team.

The company Samsung, when launching new models in the line, used quizzes to immerse the audience with the product. Look here interactive videos from Galaxy A30 e A50.

How can interactive videos be used in my company's training strategies? 

In 2017, according to Cisco, 69% of all content traffic found on the internet was generated by videos. Over time, videos became shorter, people more hurried, so a great way to ensure participants' attention is to insert buttons and actions while watching the video.

Did you watch the previous example? I believe that you enjoyed interacting with the information asked and were even interested in continuing to use the platform, the same happens with the videos aimed at your specific demand.

Why does offering interactive videos in corporate training improve engagement?

Interactive learning is accompanied by engagement, good value for money, content personalization, research and cost reduction:


When we interact with content, we pay more attention. Interactive videos They have clickable commands and parts, that is, they require interaction from the employee. 

According to the pyramid of William Glasser, we learn 10% when we read, 20% when we listen, 30% when we observe and 50% when we hear and see, that is, we learn much more from videos than from reading or even listening to a certain subject.


There is a range of tools available in interactive videos. For example: asking the participant a series of questions while they are watching the video. 

In this case, it is possible to do quizzes asking questions about effectiveness, performance, sales, business, consumer profile and much more. A Samsung one of the largest technology companies in the world already uses the resource, watch it by clicking here.

custom content

We are in the era of personalization, people prefer to consume products and services that make them feel special or that deliver EXPERIENCE while learning something and videos provide exactly that. 

With videos, the information present there reduces the scope for double interpretation, when compared to other formats.

You can also add intelligence tools to check how long participants stayed connected to the content directly, whether they skipped, paused or rewinded the video. This tool will help you improve the quality of navigation for employees.

Cost Reduction

Os interactive videos for training they are excellent cost-benefit. Content production with the help of a professional team is strategically developed for the target audience. Remember, you don't want what's cheap to be expensive.

Furthermore, video content can be developed on other platforms, such as: e-books, publications on social networks, surveys, email marketing, games and much more. The more interactive the better it is for user engagement and learning.

Are you ready to include interactive videos in your training?

Finally, it's time to make your own interactive videos. Here in Take 5 Films, we produce videos that transform the experience and learning of employees. 

With tailor-made, authentic, personalized content so that the user is positively surprised by what they learn.

Talk to one of our experts and understand how interactive videos can be used in your company!


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