Why is investing in a quality institutional video important? We tell you!

6 minutes reading
institutional video


The production of an institutional video is a highly strategic investment both to promote your company's image and to present your differences and highlight them in your market.

However, many companies are still unaware of the potential of this resource. And to convince you that this tool is a good option to boost your business, we have prepared this special content!

At the end of reading you will be well informed about what is an institutional video, the advantages it can bring to your brand, in addition to knowing some reasons to count on the support of a company specialized in the subject and, thus, guarantee a high quality result. Come on?

What is an institutional video?

As the name suggests, the institutional video will, precisely, present the institution itself to a specific audience, be it internal (employees) or external (customers, suppliers or potential partners).

Unlike advertising films, which focus on a specific product, service or the dissemination of a promotional action and need to convey the entire message in a short space of time, institutional material aims to highlight the company's potential.

There, the mission and values ​​of the business, the corporation's infrastructure (its equipment and the technology used in its processes), the teams that make up each department and all the information that the company deems relevant to convey its positioning and generate identification with your audience.

For video production, it is possible to adopt different language formats and other audiovisual resources, such as:

  •         Estorytelling elements;
  •         Dtestimonials and interviews from founders, managers and employees;
  •         Iarticle images that help illustrate the company’s story;
  •         Rday-to-day work records;
  •         Ggraphics and animations;
  •         Locutions and soundtrack.

Furthermore, current technology allows institutional videos to be shared not only on the company's website, but also on other platforms such as YouTube and LinkedIn.

Why is this feature so important for your business?

You've certainly heard that popular expression that says “the first impression is the last impression”, right? Well, if we take this maxim into consideration, we can say that the institutional video works as a true business card for your company and can be the difference that will arouse the interest of your audience in a genuine way, transmitting credibility and establishing a good relationship right from the start.

As we pointed out previously, it is an excellent opportunity to highlight the strengths of your business and differentiate it from the competition in a creative, dynamic, more accessible way and with a lot of personality.

Furthermore, institutional video can also be aligned with other marketing strategies, serving as a capture, loyalty or engagement tool, depending on the company's objectives.

The secret is to pay special attention to the quality of the content, the steps that go from producing to editing the video and choosing the best channels to broadcast it in each case.

Amateur corporate videos vs. professional institutional videos. Which one to invest in?

Although a good presentation is one of the main attributes for retaining your audience, many companies still put this aspect in the background and use “amateur” methods to produce their audiovisual material.

In these cases, images provided by the collaborators themselves are often used and filming is done with home cameras or cell phones, without adequate lighting and sound capture resources. Likewise, there is no qualified editing work carried out by professionals in the audiovisual field.

Even if costs are reduced, the result is highly likely to fall short of expectations and can still give the public a very negative impression. After all, a company that doesn't take care of its image certainly doesn't take care of other important aspects, such as the quality of its product or service or the well-being of its employees. In other words, what is cheap ends up being more expensive.

On the other hand, looking for a company specialized in the subject will result in structured planning of the content that will be covered in the video, recordings made with good equipment, high image and sound quality and editing work that will transform the history of your company into a an impactful narrative to win over its viewers.

At this point in the text, it becomes easier to answer the question that gives the title to this topic, right? So, between an amateur production and a professional institutional video, it's worth investing in the second option!

And to further highlight how a professionally made institutional video can transform your company's image in the market, we will end this content with the main advantages that this audiovisual resource can bring. Check it out below!

What are the advantages of a quality institutional video?

In addition to ensuring valuable material for your company's presentation, a good institutional video also guarantees other benefits for your business.

1 – Adds value to your brand

Telling your company's story in a different way, and with audiovisual quality, is certainly a differentiator that adds value to the message the company wants to convey.

It is a way of transmitting credibility and authority in your segment of activity, highlighting corporate values ​​and contributing to the construction of a positive image among the public.

2 - Attracts new customers and partners

In an increasingly competitive market with a large volume of communication and marketing tools, companies that manage to attract attention with an authentic and attractive message come out ahead.

In this aspect, institutional video is the perfect solution as it can encompass the company's culture and team skills in a single material, in addition to showing the entire local infrastructure, providing relevant information for potential partners and customers.

3 - Contributes to team engagement

When used as a training and qualification resource for employees, video can help teams learn more about the company they are working for.

In addition to contributing to the development of new skills, this immersion in the trajectory and values ​​of the corporation contributes a lot! To foster a sense of belonging in employees. The result is a more engaged team and more willing to achieve goals that contribute to everyone's growth.

Finally, when investing in an audiovisual project, it is very important that the company is very clear about the objectives it wants to achieve with this tool. To achieve this, it is essential to develop a structured plan based on a study of the following topics:

  •         O audience to which the video will be directed, be it your employees, customers or potential partners;
  •          A message that the company wants to convey;
  •         Qwhich aspects are highlighted by the competition and which issues the company can address to differentiate itself;
  •          AThe most current trends in production of video.

This reflection is essential for this resource to fulfill its purpose, getting straight to the point and gaining the attention of your audience.

Now that you know everything about this incredible tool that is institutional video and know the potential of this resource, how about bringing this strategy to your company?

Meet Take5 solution to successfully put this plan into practice by producing high-quality audiovisual material that will delight your audience. Contact us! 


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