Why take a Trade Marketing course?

3 minutes reading

Trade Marketing arrived in Brazil in the 1990s, when the market was booming and competitiveness between retail and industry grew. Within this scenario, consumers began to become more demanding while at the same time their competitiveness and purchasing power increased. For the industry, it was necessary to be one step ahead to explore distribution channels and attract consumer attention.

Industries understood that retail needed to be respected as a business partner. “How to buy and where to buy” began to be considered in the equation and the Trade Marketing professional emerged with the status of mediator, someone whose priority is to meet the shopper's demands at the point of sale.


Importance of Trade Marketing

Information is the pillar of Trade Marketing, as the way it is passed on is crucial for the customer to create interest, demand and want to purchase a product. This is essential to win partners who will make products available to end consumers.

A fundamental aspect of the strategy is the information collected directly at points of sale. They will guide investment in immediate commercial actions and also the development of new products to meet market needs.

Therefore, training people who will work with Trade Marketing is a good investment in management. It is important that the team is prepared for the challenges of a competitive market that is renewed every day.


Why take a Trade Marketing course

Investing in technical training for the team that will perform the Trade Marketing function is essential for them to learn how to deal with changes in the market and, more than that, in the world.

Over the years, we have experienced the explosion of the area in organizations due to the complexity of multichannel (even more so after the popularization of digital communication channels), the increase in competition, the expansion of the portfolio and the incessant search for differentiation, which resulted in a more demanding shopper.

This is the reality: dozens of large, hundreds of medium-sized and thousands of small companies are looking for knowledge to implement solid areas, capable of generating strong results. Areas that are not seen as extra expenses, but as sales drivers and profit generators.

For this, however, there is a lack of qualified labor. Professionals who enter Trade Marketing, in general, migrated to this challenge from other areas. In general, they were people with experience in sales, administration, marketing, logistics, etc. These are people who are interested in trading and try to learn everything they can to learn more about the topic, they scour reports and articles on the internet, they look for lectures. But that's not enough.

The bibliography on the topic is still scarce and the available content does not account for the complexity of the function. Therefore, it is important to seek complete training, which covers all the nuances of trading and which actually trains this professional.

This important decision to dedicate yourself to studies will certainly pay off, as the Trade Marketing professional's career is on the rise. This is because technology is transforming business and impacting people in ways never before seen. Startups emerge every day with innovative ideas and no relationship with retailers.

A Trade Marketing course can help with the process of adapting to the new market and executing the best strategies at the point of sale. Today, being an expert in the area is a big differentiator for a sales career and, from now on, this training will be increasingly important.


Talk to us right now and find out how to develop your Trade Marketing team!


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