Trends for training Trade Marketing professionals

3 minutes reading

Universities did not follow the changes that led to the need for Trade Marketing as quickly as they occurred. Because of this, companies themselves are having to fill this gap and offer this training to their professionals.


But how to do that?

Firstly, you need to keep in mind that trade marketing professionals have an intense work routine and that they are often also training people or visiting points of sale. This way, personal development ends up being left a little aside.

Therefore, it is essential that the corporation offers training through a learning management system that is accessible via cell phone and that contains short lessons focused on Trade content. This way, employees will be able to follow the lessons more easily.

Furthermore, the company must pay attention to new developments in the market, in order to update its professionals to what is being used by the competition. Discover some trends:



The tendency is to outsource POS work to companies specialized in Trade Marketing. This allows professionals to work with different products, from different brands, while maintaining the quality of service.



Augmented reality uses high technology to combine virtual information with physical sales spaces, encouraging interaction between the target audience and the brand. Simply providing virtual discounts for physical consumption at the POS can help increase the flow of people into the establishment.


Customizing some product features according to personal preferences is also among the strong trends not only in trade marketing, but in all areas related to sales marketing. An interesting option is to opt for designs that allow the consumer's name to be engraved on the product.


Robots are much more present in our daily lives than we can imagine. They are at the price consultant in the supermarket, for example. More and more people will ask questions with these robots.



There are several learning management systems that can be customized according to the needs of Trade Marketing professionals. The systems, known as LMS, usually contain, among other features, support for video, interactivity, extra material, evaluations, etc.

Some systems come ready-made, but the possibility of customizing them makes the user experience even more complete. A Take 5 offers some options LMS systems that help manage courses and reports. Discover three of them:



Through the platform it is possible to manage content, users and reports with just a few clicks and absolute control over training. Developed in conjunction with Fortune 500 companies, the platform has management and performance resources for companies of any size, as the solution is adaptable.



All controls and reports at your fingertips. Training Planner schedules, manages and reports in-person training. It has agenda/calendar features, creating events with online training prerequisites and sending invitations.



The app allows you to manage your employees by setting up their itinerary and monitoring via geolocation the check-ins and check-outs at the locations they need to serve. And, it also allows employees to organize themselves by consulting their calendar, event details, sending images, evidence of the itinerary for each visit, attendance list, notes, etc., all directly through the app.


Contact one of our experts and learn more about our Trade Marketing solutions!


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